TC-154 4 pc Cobalt M-42 Mini Rougher End Mill Set Sizes: 1/4",5/16",3/8" & 1/2"

TC-154 4 pc Cobalt M-42 Mini Rougher End Mill Set Sizes: 1/4",5/16",3/8" & 1/2"

$59.9959.99 SKU TC-154
TC-154 TC-154 4 pc Cobalt M-42 Mini Rougher End Mill Set Sizes: 1/4",5/16",3/8" & 1/2" AAA KITTS LANDING PAGE

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TC-154 4 pc Cobalt M-42 Mini Rougher End Mill Set Sizes: 1/4",5/16",3/8" & 1/2" . Unique chipbreaking geometry. Knuckle form. The best form for heavy,roughing cuts. Comes with wooden block.

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